Posts Tagged ‘McKinney’

What Happens with Degeneration?

Vertebral Subluxation Degeneration aka Disc Degeneration Vertebral Chart Information Most of us received our first Vertebral Subluxation during the birthing process, the twisting and pulling through the birthing canal creates a C1 subluxation. If left untreated, subluxation will worsen to the point of Vertebral Subluxation Degeneration. The pictures shown in the chart above are of…

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Chiropractic Care for In-Utero Misalignments

Quite often parents seek chiropractic care for their child due to physical trauma from an injury. However, the spinal misalignments that may occur at the time of the injury will not necessarily result in immediate pain or symptoms. Parents would be wise to consider in addition to physical stress, emotional and chemical stress affect their…

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Why Choose Chiropractic for You?

As we age, many of us think the common aches and pains are something we are just going to have to live with.  Some will start taking the common over the counter ibuprofen and Tylenol.  Many others are coming to realize that these seemingly harmless remedies can have severe consequences with extended periods of use.…

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Chiropractic Can Help with Allergies

Dr. Luigi Dirubba of the Connecticut Chiropractic Council is featured on WFSB Ch3 to talk about the benefits of Chiropractic Care. The main topic of discussion is allergies and how chiropractic can help alleviate allergies for you. I’ve had much success treating allergies for my patients.  In this video below, you can see how safe…

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